Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Kai Lawonn Head of the Visualization and Explorative Data Analysis Group Curriculum Vitae
Office: 3333
Office: 3331
Office: 3240
Office: 3240
Email: henrik dot voigt at uni-jena dot de
Office: 3240
Joint cooperation with Prof. Dr. Noeska Smit
University of Bergen
Email: markus dot pawellek at uni-jena dot de
Office: 3331
Joint cooperation with JProf. Dr. Sander Münster
Joint cooperation with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nico Brehm
Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena
Joint cooperation with Prof. Dr. Noeska Smit
University of Bergen
Email: wei-chan dot hsu at smail.inf.h-brs dot de